
The Sharnbasveshwar Vidya Vardhak Sangha


The Sharnbasveshwar Vidya Vardhak Sangha was founded in 1901 by the 6th peethadhipati, made a humble, yet a noble beginning with its first school housed in Mahadasoha – Mahamane the spiritual abode. Then onwards it has never looked back and has grown into leaps and bounds. Dedicating itself to the pursiute of service and excellence has grown into a mammoth educational centre imparting science, commerce, manegent , arts, engeneering & techanical education to nearly 20,000 students from LKG to PG in 40 institutions spending nearly 100 crores in 100 years of its meaningful and eventful existence

Illustrious Sons of India and dignitaries including the father of nation, Mahatna Gandhi down to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the former president of India have visited our Sangha.

Sharnbasveshwar Vidya Vardhak Sangha was founded in 1903 by Late Poojya Doddappa Appa, the 7th Peethadhipati of Sharnbasveshwar Maha Dasoha Samsthan, Gulbarga. It made a humble, yet a noble beginning with its first school housed in Mahadasoha Mahamane – the spiritual abode where Lord Sharnbasveshwar lived. Since then, it has never looked back and has grown into leaps and bounds, dedicating itself to the pursuit of service and excellence. In the course of time, it has grown into a mammoth educational centre imparting Science, Commerce, Arts, Management, Vocational, Engineering and Technical education to nearly Twenty Thousand Students from LKG to PG in forty institutions spending nearly hundred crore in the span of hundred years of its meaningful and eventful existence.

Many dignitaries have visited our institution – including the father of our nation Mahatma Gandhi down to Dr. A. P. J. Abdul kalam, the Former President of India. They have paid rich tributes to our Sangha as it has been rendering yeomen service by providing quality education to the people of backward region.


There have been many innovations in teaching methodology in the recent past, especially in higher education. But the essence of philosophy of our institution has remained as it was enunciated by Lord Sharnbasveshwar. Students may acquire great knowledge which may or may not be used by them in their life but the kind of education imparted in our institution lasts for ever, which is more rooted in encouraging our students to be self reliant, inquisite and positive thinking governed by great tolerance. The education that we impart gives the students enormous scope for independent thinking and absorbing the differences they confront in the society. The knowledge acquired without subjecting it to enquiry has no relevance. Hence we infuse the spirit of enquiry into the minds of young students

Self-discipline and independent thinking are the two corner stones of our institution on which the life of students is built. The faculty members make all-out efforts to stimulate intellectual honesty among students. India is a land of composite culture, naturally the strength of our campus is multi-cultures as there are students coming from different walk of life and they are unified and united in our premises. This promotes better understanding among the students who come from different backgrounds. We make the students learn how to cope-up with varied styles and thinking, thereby motivate them to work together for the betterment of society. We make tireless efforts to make our students responsible citizens of the world

Channabasamma BCA and B.Com Degree College, Bidar